Rick Mercer Report celebrates Malanka Tuesday on CBC

The Rick Mercer Report Facebook page announced that they filmed a segment at the Malanka celebrations in Saskatoon last weekend. The page showcases some great pictures including Rick learning Ukrainian dancing from the Pavlychenko Folkorique Ensemble. The segment this airs Tuesday at 8PM on CBC, and later online at the Rick Mercer Report site.



More pictures from the Rick Mercer Report Facebook page

Gearing up for Ukrainian Christmas and Malanka 2013

If you’ve already celebrated Christmas and New Years, then I hope you had a great holiday. If you aren’t finished celebrating the holidays yet, you know there is still much more to do on the Julian calendar!

Christmas – January 7th

Starting the night before when the children spot the first star in the sky, Holy Supper (Svyata Vechera) is served with 12 meatless and dairy-free dishes featuring kutya (buckwheat), borscht, fish, varenyky (perogies) and holubtsi (cabbage rolls). Carolling (koliada) is also done from house to house.

An Introduction to Ukrainian Christmas

New Years (Malanka) – January 13th

The last chance to party before Lent, Malanka was once traditionally celebrated with carolers performing small plays or pranks. Now it takes on more modern traditions, usually with a formal celebration at a hall, partying to the countdown towards midnight. Find the nearest Malanka event near you!

An Introduction to Ukrainian New Years (Malanka)
Malanka Guide 2013

Epiphany (Yordan) – January 19th

The final day of the Christmas season and one of the greatest feasts commemorates the baptism of Christ in the river Jordan by St. John the Baptist. On this day, it is the custom to bless water— a river, a lake, or the sea. or now in modern churches, a vessel of water — in a great ceremony including a procession with the carrying of banners and the cross. After the meal on Epiphany Eve, the Christmas tree would be taken down and the didukh would have been carried out and burned in the orchard or pasture.

An introduction to the Epiphany (Yordan)

Looking for Ottawa’s Ukrainian Christmas dishes for radio segment

The CBC in Ottawa has tapped me to help look for traditional Ukrainian Christmas dishes to be shared on the radio next week in preparation for Christmas. Not being in Ottawa myself, I thought I’d extend the search out to any Ottawan who can make a mean Свята Вечерa dish for the show hosts, share their recipe and explain their food and the background of our Christmas. If you’re willing, give me a shout either via e-mail, Facebook or Twitter and we’ll get you set up!

Ukrainian dance at Toronto Christmas Market this Saturday

I went to the Christmas market last year and loved it, and am definitely going again this year! The annual Christmas Market in Toronto’s Distillery district will feature performances by Arkan Ukrainian Dance Company this Saturday:

Inspired by the Old World and influenced by the New, this free annual event captures all of the tradition, heritage and charm of a European Christmas Market, while showcasing hundreds of unique and local handcrafted products. Family friendly entertainment includes musicians, carolers and children’s choirs, holiday themed stage presentations, Rudolph’s Reindeer Zoo and of course … Santa and his roaming elves! There is great shopping, specialty beer and mulled wine gardens, sweets and treats, and all the great restaurants of The DistillArkane Dance Co.ery Historic District. Come and experience the fun and magic of Toronto’s first and only Christmas Market!

The market is open from 10am to 9pm, and here are the times of the performances:

3:00pm & 5:30pm – Arkan Ukrainian Dance Company – enjoy high energy performances of Ukrainian Dance by this exciting Dance Company. Presented in association with the Community Folk Arts Council of Toronto

Leave a comment if you are thinking of attending.. see you there!

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