Holodomor Exhibit 2011 at North York Civic Centre this weekend

The Holodomor Exhibit makes it annual return to the North York Civic Centre starting tomorrow and through the weekend.

You can check out pictures from when I visited the exhibit two years ago.

The centre is located at Yonge St. and North York Blvd., by Mel Lastman square just north of the 401. It is also right across the street from the North York Centre subway station.

The exhibit is produced by the League of Ukrainian Canadians.

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Yarmarok 2011 40th anniversary in Mississauga this weekend!

It’s that time of year again, nothing kicks off the Christmas season like Yarmarok at St. Mary’s Dormition in Mississauga. We’ve covered this event a few times before. Check out the details below:



Event Details

Saturday, November 12, 2011 – 10am to 9pm
Sunday, November 13, 2011 – 9am to 4pm


Saturday – 12pm, 3pm and Cabaret at 7pm
Sunday – 12pm, 2:30pm


$2, $5 after 5pm


3625 Cawthra Road (at Burnhamthorpe Rd), Mississauga, ON

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Has our Ukrainian-Canadian TV been hijacked?

Edit: The Ukrainian Credit Union has responded to the article below in the comments.

Last week on OMNI1’s Svitohliad, billed as a ‘current-affairs show.. on topics especially relevant to Canadians of Ukrainian heritage’, the show spent almost half of their air-time interviewing a fashion blogger, Marta Tryshak:


Marta prosted her Svitohliad interview on YouTube, complete with Ukrainian Credit Union commercial


I’m no fashion expert but after watching the interview the only connection between herself and Svitohliad’s directives was that she is Ukrainian, but the blog she promotes is not and is only dedicated to fashion.

Marta also promotes her contest for a shopping spree sponsored by the Ukrainian Credit Union – which happens to also be a sponsor of Svitohliad (she even records the bank’s commercial for her YouTube video). Is there a conflict-of-interest where the show dedicates significant time to the sponsors activities?

Almost half of the show dedicated to Ukrainian-Canadian topics is not only advertisements for their sponsors, but even outside interests:

The interview also promotes Marta on the cover of a new magazine that’s exclusively distributed by the Credit Union, but the magazine is not published by the bank – it’s a private business.

Is this a proper way for Svitohliad to operate, representing and informing our community? Shouldn’t it be focused on actual stories for Ukrainian-Canadians, instead of catering to its sponsors and private groups whom we don’t know, nor know how they operate? The Fall isn’t a slow news period either, Holodomor Awareness week begins in two weeks.

If you have a private business, perhaps you too should see if Svitohliad will interview you next. We haven’t been asked yet! Also, don’t expect any grants or advertising from credit unions here anytime soon.

Edit: A similar piece aired today on Kontakt on the ‘Stay Ukrainian my friends’ segment (both the show and the segment are sponsored by the Ukrainian Credit Union). But the vignette was very short, only one or two minutes long out of an hour long program. This is a much more acceptable solution, as this show spent much more time informing its viewers about news and events then pleasing its sponsors.

Tymoshenko sentenced to 7 years in prison, protest tonight in Toronto

A court in Kiev sentenced the country’s most prominent opposition politician, Yulia V. Tymoshenko, to seven years in prison. European leaders have condemned the case as politically motivated, and hinted that they are unlikely to ratify a free trade and association agreement with Ukraine, a project four years in the making.

“This is an authoritarian regime,” she said. “Against the background of European rhetoric, Yanukovich is taking Ukraine farther from Europe by launching such political trials.” As bailiffs led her from the courtroom, Ms. Tymoshenko turned in the doorway to wave goodbye, a small figure in a white coat and helmet of blond braids.

But international legal experts saythat she seems to have been performing a routine administrative function for which she might conceivably be disciplined, if the government was displeased with her performance, but not charged with a crime.

With Ms. Tymoshenko’s trial at an end, European governments will have to decide whether to make good on their warnings that imprisoning her will freeze efforts to integrate with Ukraine politically and economically. On one hand, Mr. Yanukovich has defied intense diplomatic pressure from Western partners, crossing what one analyst called “the reddest of red lines.”

On the other hand, Ukraine has been under pressure from Russia to join its own economic bloc, along with Kazakhstan and Belarus. Even compared to the other former Soviet nations, Ukraine — with a population of 46 million, about the size of France — seems to waver between Europe and Russia, so that isolating it from the West could have profound consequences.

Mr. Yanukovich has made integrating with Europe a central goal, and he is likely to head off catastrophic damage by softening Ms. Tymoshenko’s conviction swiftly. One route to this would be decriminalizing the article under which she was convicted. In that event, her name will be cleared and she will be able to run in parliamentary elections in 2012, said Serhiy Vlasenko, one of her lawyers, you can take a look here to know more information about the lawyer. This could occur as soon as next week, so that Mr. Yanukovich would be welcome at European Union talks in Brussels scheduled for October 20.

He suggested as much on Tuesday, when he told journalists, “This is not a final decision.”

Read the rest of the article

Tonight there is a demonstration in front of the Ukrainian Consulate in Toronto at 6:30PM: 2275 Lakeshore Blvd West.

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Tymoshenko’s fate decided next week

Reuters sums up this case very well in only a few short paragraphs:

Ukraine’s state prosecutor on Tuesday asked for a seven-year jail sentence to be passed on former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko in a trial which the West has warned can rebound on the country’s hopes of joining the European mainstream.

Tymoshenko, 50, Ukraine’s most prominent opposition politician, is charged with abuse of office linked with a gas deal with Russia in January 2009 which the leadership of President Viktor Yanukovich says saddled the country with an exorbitant price for gas. She denies this.

The United States and the European Union say the trial is politically motivated and they have urged Yanukovich to find a way of ending the case against her.

And the Yanukovich administration claims it’s not politically motivated:

Ukrainian prosecutors said Wednesday they were seeking a seven-year jail term for Tymoshenko, a $195 million fine and a ban on her holding a position in the public sector for three years after her release.

That would only put Tymoshenko out of the running for the next three Presidential races until about 2022.

Meanwhile in Canada, the Conservative government had some harsh words:

Ottawa "has expressed to the Ukrainian government our serious concern about the apparent bias in the ongoing judicial proceedings against former prime minister Tymoshenko," Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said Wednesday.

"Political persecution is completely unacceptable," he said. "The appearance of political bias in judicial proceedings undermines the rule of law."

Even Liberal leader Bob Rae expressed concern:

Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada Bob Rae has invited ex-Ukrainian Prime Minister and Batkivschyna Party leader Yulia Tymoshenko, who is currently held in custody, to attend the 41st session of the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa, according to Tymoshenko’s personal Web site:

"As the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, I have the honor to invite Mrs. Yulia Tymoshenko, former Ukrainian prime minister and leader of the democratic opposition, to Ottawa for meetings with Canadian parliamentarians and for the 41st session of the parliament", the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada said in the letter of invitation.

Rae expressed concern over the recent events in Ukraine, particularly, what he called the politically motivated arrests of many opposition activists, including Mrs. Tymoshenko.

Has the thuggery of Yanukovych and his Donetsk gang caught the attention of Hollywood? On The Simpsons’ season premiere two weeks ago, Homer’s new work colleague is a former spy who tangles with a portly Ukrainian mafia boss named ‘Viktor’:
We have no idea at what they are hinting at Winking smile
This one was my personal favourite, a store called ‘Cossacks Fifth Avenue’ – a parody of the high-end retail store ‘Sacks Fifth Avenue’:

A site for cossack canucks