President Yushchenko tours Canada

After a successful landing in Ottawa visiting the House of Commons and the last stop of the Holodomor Flame tour, President Viktor Yushchenko visited various other provinces. Unfortunately the President missed his first and only stop in Alberta to visit the Ukrainian village and Albertan Premier Ed Stelmach who is of Ukrainian descent. Blaming a tight schedule, this would have been a historic meeting of the only Ukrainian government figureheads in the world. Although an article printed weeks ago already anticipated this cancellation, citing a political struggle between Stolmach and Harper:

Considering the average Ukrainian wedding lasts three days, six hours of face time with Yushchenko seems downright inhospitable. But was it deliberately designed that way by Harper and his envious Ottawa Conservatives? Especially with the PM trying to hog the spotlight by recently promising to back Ukraine’s bid to join NATO.

Off to Winnipeg next to meet with Premier of Manitoba Gary Albert Doer. The two signed an agreement between Dnipropetrovsk region and Province of Manitoba in trade-economic, agricultural, scientific and humanitarian cooperation. He also spoke at the Manitoba legislature and promised to ensure the Holodomor is featured in the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, a national museum planned for Winnipeg, which is still in the fundraising stage. (Pictures and Video).

Yushchenko was in Toronto last night at the Economic Club, saying Ukraine was on the verge of becoming the next modern power (Article + Video):

“We are in a very dynamic process … that has never been like this before,”

“Three years ago no one in the world recognized us as a market economy. Today we are the 152nd member of the WTO (World Trade Organization).”

Yushchenko also met with Toronto mayor David Miller as well as Toronto’s Ukrainian community (article + video) in the West End.

President Yushchenko meets Prime Minister Harper in Ottawa

For the first time in more than 14 years, a President of Ukraine has made an official visit to Canada, the first Western country to recognize Ukraine’s independence in 1991 (some pictures and video here). Addressing the House of Commons, Yushchenko said:

“The development pace that requires centuries for many countries is covered by several years by us,” he told the Commons. “However the recent years have shown that the most complicated problems and challenges, including the social problems, we resolve them in a very democratic and civilized way. We are speaking frankly about our problems.”

He also talked about the past of Ukraine’s sovereignty, in the last 90 years being declared independent six times:

“I don’t want this range of historic tragedies to be repeated in today’s history of Ukraine. The only …solution to make Ukraine eternal is Ukraine’s ascension to the system of collective security.

Yushchenko also thanked Harper for Canada’s support for Ukraine in NATO:

“When we’re speaking about Ukraine’s NATO membership, we’re speaking about genuine Ukraine sovereignty. This is the reason why such a strong and insistent policy is being carried out by the Ukrainian government”

Yushchenko also raised the issue of the Holodomor for support of MP James Bezan‘s private member bill C-469 which has already the Liberal’s and NDP’s support.

“I anticipate that the bill will pass,” said Harper. “It’s important that the world not forget.”

The vote for the bill is scheduled to happen tomorrow.

Also, Senator Raynell Andreychuk and Liberal MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj will be given the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise while Yushchenko will lay a wreath at the National War Memorial and then participate in a tree-planting ceremony.

More newspaper sources: CBC, CTV Winnipeg, Canwest News Service, the Globe and Mail, Ottawa Citizen, Canadian Press, Toronto Star. The Financial Post also interviewed Pres. Yushchenko.


President Yushchenko visits Canada this week

UPDATE: Click Here for President Yushchenko meeting with Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

With the wrapping up of the Holodomor Remembrance Flame in Canada over the weekend, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko will visit various cities across Canada this week and meet with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to show his support for Manitoba Tory MP James Bezan’s private member’s bill C-469 to officially recognize the Ukrainian famine as genocide.

It’s a shift from last fall, when during the 75th anniversary commemoration of the famine
on Parliament Hill Stephen Harper made no mention of genocide.

Here is the schedule of this historic three-day visit:

It’s Carassauga time 2008!

Every May the city of Mississauga (next to Toronto), Ontario puts on a weekend-long multicultural festival celebrating Canada’s diversity:  Carassauga. This year Ukraine does not have its own pavilion as it did in years prior but will still be participating in the International Pavilion with culinary kiosks and performances by the Barvinok School of Ukrainian Dance:

  • Friday, May 23: 8:10 PM-8:30 PM & 10:00 PM-10:30 PM
  • Saturday, May 24: 5:40 PM-6:10 PM & 7:40 PM-8:10 PM
  • Sunday, May 25: 1:00 PM-1:30 PM & 3:20 PM-3:50 PM


Tomken Arena
4495 Tomken Rd.
Mississauga L4W 1J9
Telephone: 905.615.4620
(South of Eglinton Ave. on Tomken Road and north of Eastgate Pkwy.)

Tickets are only $10 ($8 for children) and are available at the door.

Here are some pictures from last year’s event (although the thumbnails don’t work, clicking on them does bring up full pictures) and some more.  Also here’s a Kontakt broadcast from the 2005 Pavillion.


Holodomor Flame comes back to Canada

Wrapping up its tour across the USA, the Holodomor Remembrance Flame will make a brief return to Canada this weekend starting in Hamilton last night and touring southern Ontario and Montreal before making its last stop in Ottawa:

Lidia Prokomenko remembers eating acorns and chewing grass to survive, and watching her neighbours die, during the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33.

Now 83 and living in St. Catharines, Prokomenko was just eight years old when she witnessed dead bodies strewn on the streets of her childhood hometown of Harkiw.

“It was worse than anything,” said Prokomenko.

“It was worse than the (Second World) war.”

In 2003, the Senate of Canada voted to recognize the famine as a genocide and encourage historians, educators and parliamentarians to include the true facts of the famine in future educational material.

The House of Commons has yet to follow suit.

For years, many Ukrainians were too afraid to speak about the forced starvation out of fear for relatives who remained under the power of the Soviet Union, said Alexandra Sawchuk, who is a member of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, St. Catharines branch. There are 35 Holodomor survivors in Niagara.

Here is the schedule of the rest of the stops this weekend:

May 23 Toronto, ON – TBA
May 23 Windsor, ON – TBA
May 24 Hamilton, ON – 1:00PM Sir John A. McDonald Secondary School (130 Bay Street)
May 24 Montreal, PQ – 5:00 pm Place du Canada (Rene Levesque Boulevard & Peel Street)
May 26 Ottawa, ON – 4:00PM Parliament Hill with participation of Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, and His Excellency President Victor Yushchenko of Ukraine.
Listings courtesy Ukrainian Canadian Congress

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