Category Archives: ukraine

Biden & Yushchenko visit Holodomor memorial, talk women and churches at a bar and split a Coke (Updated)

Yesterday after landing in Kyiv, US VP Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko went to a Holodomor memorial to lay candles and plant trees. After that they headed to the pub where they had a traditional American Coca-Cola. While Yushchenko was talking about Ukraine’s beautiful churches, Biden was overheard saying:

I cannot believe that a Frenchman visiting Kiev went back home and told his colleagues he discovered something and didn’t say he discovered the most beautiful women in the world. That’s my observation.

Full article is available at Ukrainian Pravda (now with an English Translation via Google)

Update: The NY Daily News has posted their top 10 hottest Ukrainian women, but I think they have missed TV actress and Ivano-Frankivsk native Oksana Lada who’s been on the Sopranos (that had a little Ukrainian in the final episodes), 30 Rock and CSI Miami.

US VP Joe Biden arrives in Ukraine

Photo: Biden in Ukraine, Dipping Bread into Salt

From the Washington Post:

KIEV, July 20 – US Vice-President Joe Biden arrived in Ukraine on Monday to reassure its leaders Washington has not forgotten the ex-Soviet republic following President Barack Obama’s push to improve ties with neighboring Russia.


"This is the balancing trip by Biden to Obama’s Moscow visit but the balance is very different to that under the Bush administration," said Christopher Granville of Trusted Sources, an emerging market research firm in London.

"It is the vice-president making the balancing trip and not the president, after all."


Biden is expected to signal support for Ukraine but the Obama administration is less strident than Bush in backing Yushchenko’s NATO bid.

At the bottom of the article it lists additional reporting by a Moscow correspondent and you can see that reflected in some of the suspicious wording in the article:

A snap poll by the English-language Kyiv Post found that 66 percent of respondents wanted Biden to tell Ukraine’s leaders: "Get your act together" while only 5 percent suggested "Resist Russia with all your might."

The author uses a newspaper website poll (as opposed to a more credible Angus Reid poll) to downplay the Russian threat.

President Viktor Yushchenko, vaulted to power in the 2004 Orange Revolution, has angered Moscow with an aggressive bid for Ukraine to join NATO and his promotion of Ukrainian nationalism.

There’s been a recent trend by Russian media to erase the Orange Revolution – labeling it ‘so-called’ as to downplay its importance and inferring Yushchenko was somehow placed into leadership by a coup as opposed to the reality that was a re-vote from a rigged election. And nationalism is just media slang for xenophobia.

Anyways, we’ll see what Biden does in Ukraine and on Wednesday he leaves for Georgia.

Update – UNIAN reports on what Biden is doing in Ukraine:

As UNIAN reported earlier, during the visit it is planned that Joe Biden will meet with President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko and Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko.

It is expected that V. Yushchenko and J. Biden will honour a memory of victims of Holodomor (the Great Famine) in Ukraine in 1932-1933.

It is also planned that J. Biden will deliver  a speech before the representatives of business circles of the Ukraine.

Are ‘Ukrainian Christmas’ and ‘Ukrainian Easter’ coming to an end?

From the Kyiv Post:

GENEVA (AP) _ Christianity’s largest ecumenical movement expressed hope Thursday that churches were moving closer to a common Easter for the world’s Christians, despite a historical debate nearly as old as the religion.

Catholic and Protestant congregations will celebrate their belief in Jesus’ resurrection on the same day as Orthodox churches in 2010 and 2011 because of a coincidence in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The common holiday has happened three times this decade.

But the World Council of Churches says consensus is emerging that these should not just be occasional occurrences.

At a recent meeting in Lviv, Ukraine, theologians representing nearly the breadth of Christianity agreed in principle on a strategy for all the faithful to continue observing their feast together.

Continue reading Are ‘Ukrainian Christmas’ and ‘Ukrainian Easter’ coming to an end?

GG pitches Candu reactors to Ukraine

From the Calgary Herald

Governor-General Michaelle Jean is calling for intensified energy cooperation with Ukraine, including in the nuclear sphere, to help it achieve energy self-sufficiency.

Ms. Jean, interviewed by Reuters on Saturday during a state visit to Ukraine, also said it was up to Canada and other industrialized nations to help Ukraine find permanent solutions to the dire, long-lasting consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

Read the rest of the article

Beware Russia’s coverage of the Ukrainian Presidential election

I noticed a big difference in how Russia’s ITAR-TASS news agency is starting to report the upcoming Ukrainian Presidential election, especially Viktor Yanukovych’s recent announcement to run:

Viktor Yanukovich hopes to contest Ukrainian presidency

KIEV, April 20 (Itar-Tass) — The leader of Ukraine’s oppositional Party of Regions, Viktor Yanukovich, has for the first time declared his intention to participate in the early presidential election the national parliament set for October 25.

Luckily the Kyiv Post offers a little more truthful representation of the event:

Yanukovych to run for president

Opposition leader Viktor Yanukovich, who lost a re-run of a rigged 2004 presidential election in what came to be known as the "Orange Revolution", says he will run in Ukraine’s next presidential race.

Is it a case of bad English or misleading information? Everyone who is running in this Presidential election is technically running for the first time in this particular election – why the redundancy?  It’s no secret that Yanukovych has always been a pro-Russian candidate. Would the Russian “independent” media lie for their country? You decide!

Edit: Taras points out it’s Yanukovych in Ukrainian and Yanukovich in Russian