Category Archives: ukraine

Ukraine election results put on hold [Article]

From CNN:

A Ukranian (sic) court on Wednesday put on hold the results of presidential elections that declared Viktor Yanukovych winner pending an appeal from his rival, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

Tymoshenko lodged an appeal with Ukraine’s Higher Administrative Court to contest the official results of the February 10 run-off. The court partially granted her appeal and stopped the Central Election Commission’s decision on the outcome of the vote.

Tymoshenko had fought a close race with former prime minister Yanukovich. He was due to be inaugurated February 25, the Ukrainian parliament said this week.

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It IS deja-vu from 2004! Not so fast Stephen Harper, don’t you have enough on your plate?

Departing president warns Ukraine is turning East [Article]

From the Associated Press:

Departing Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko says the policies of his newly elected successor risk turning Ukraine back into a Kremlin vassal state.

Yushchenko made some of his harshest statements at a news conference Tuesday against President-elect Viktor Yanukovych, nine days before he is due to leave office.

He says Yanukovych’s plans are degrading to the nation and the European course it has pursued since Yushchenko took office in 2005.

He lambasted Yanukovych’s plans to give Russia a stake in Ukraine’s natural gas pipelines and to extend the lease Russia has on a Black Sea naval base.

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Central Election Commission rushes to announce Yanukovych as President

From the Associated Press:

Election officials named Russia-friendly Viktor Yanukovych as the official winner of Ukraine’s presidential election Sunday

The announcement appeared to have been rushed, coming three days before the deadline, even as complaints of fraud poured in from Tymoshenko’s staff. One Tymoshenko representative on the commission refused to read out the results from her districts, forcing a commission secretary to read them out in her place.

International observers deemed the election free and fair

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It’s deja-vu all over again, with the CEC taking the place of Putin during the 2004 Orange Revolution:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has telephoned Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych to congratulate him on winning the Ukrainian presidency despite the lack of a final official result.

Earlier today, Ukraine’s Central Election Commission said that with 99 percent of the ballots counted, Yanukovych was leading with 49 percent of the vote compared to just under 47 percent for his rival Viktor Yushchenko.

Yushchenko has refused to accept the results.

Election observers from the East and the West are also at odds over the official numbers. Monitors from the CIS hailed the poll as democratic.

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In 2004, the run-off results that were deemed illegal by the Supreme Court were in favour of Yanukovych 49.42% vs. Viktor Yushchenko receiving 46.69%. In 2010’s election results Yanukovych gained 48.95% vs. Tymoshenko’s 45.47% as she prepares to take the results to court. Is the 2004 election fraud deja-vu, or should this year’s election results despite striking similarities be considered fair?

Ukraine’s Tymoshenko to Fight Rival’s Election In Court [Article]

From the New York Times:

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko declared on Saturday that she had proof of cheating in a February 7 presidential election by rival Viktor Yanukovich and she would challenge his election through the courts.

“I want to clearly state: Yanukovich is not our president. Whatever happens in future, he will never become the legitimately elected president of Ukraine,” she said in a televised broadcast to the nation.

At the same time she promised not to call people out in mass protests as she did when she successfully challenged his election in 2004 in the Orange Revolution. “I will not call another ‘Maidan’ (Independence Square demonstration) and will not allow public protests,” she said.

[New York Times]

Yulia Tymoshenko appears in public for the first time since Sunday’s election [Article]

From the Globe & Mail:

Ukraine’s embattled Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko appeared in public for the first time in days Thursday but still resisted calls to concede defeat in the presidential election and resign her post.

Her refusal to admit defeat signals that Ms. Tymoshenko is digging in for a long power struggle with Mr. Yanukovych.

“It is already obvious today that nobody from Yanukovych’s team has any intention of raising social standards,” Ms. Tymoshenko told the government meeting. “Already, after the election, we are starting to discover huge pre-election deceptions and people should factor that into their future political calculations.”

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