Two weeks ago I attended the traditional American Soyuzivka festival (a.k.a. the Suzi-Q) in the Catskill Mountains in New York State. The festival is hosted on a Ukrainian summer heritage centre complete with cabins, campgrounds, a pool, and a bar among other amenities. Ruslana performed as well as other Ukrainian and American performers including Peter from the 60’s band Peter, Paul and Mary (who’s parents are from Ukraine).
The installation of a new boiler and heating system triggered a devastating oil discharge on Soyuzvika property, identified in the spring of 2011. The catastrophic event has resulted in almost $1,000,000 in clean up costs, which was directed, supervised and mandated by the New York State environmental authorities. Although Soyuzvika has taken legal action against the servicers/suppliers we feel are responsible, the clean up and remediation costs are extensive and immediate. The good news is that the oil discharge has been contained—but mandated monitoring and remediation efforts will continue for some years. We need your help in this!
Donations can be made to the following 501©3 corporation (which is tax deductible for Americans):
Ukrainian National Foundation – Soyuzvika Heritage Fund
UNF. PO Box 280 2200 Rt 10
Parsippany, NJ
(973) 292-9800
You can watch a lot of the performances of Soyuzvika on YouTube
Good post! Very important for those who love their Ukrainian resort communities around North America!