Central Election Commission rushes to announce Yanukovych as President

From the Associated Press:

Election officials named Russia-friendly Viktor Yanukovych as the official winner of Ukraine’s presidential election Sunday

The announcement appeared to have been rushed, coming three days before the deadline, even as complaints of fraud poured in from Tymoshenko’s staff. One Tymoshenko representative on the commission refused to read out the results from her districts, forcing a commission secretary to read them out in her place.

International observers deemed the election free and fair

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It’s deja-vu all over again, with the CEC taking the place of Putin during the 2004 Orange Revolution:

Russian President Vladimir Putin has telephoned Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych to congratulate him on winning the Ukrainian presidency despite the lack of a final official result.

Earlier today, Ukraine’s Central Election Commission said that with 99 percent of the ballots counted, Yanukovych was leading with 49 percent of the vote compared to just under 47 percent for his rival Viktor Yushchenko.

Yushchenko has refused to accept the results.

Election observers from the East and the West are also at odds over the official numbers. Monitors from the CIS hailed the poll as democratic.

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In 2004, the run-off results that were deemed illegal by the Supreme Court were in favour of Yanukovych 49.42% vs. Viktor Yushchenko receiving 46.69%. In 2010’s election results Yanukovych gained 48.95% vs. Tymoshenko’s 45.47% as she prepares to take the results to court. Is the 2004 election fraud deja-vu, or should this year’s election results despite striking similarities be considered fair?

Ukraine’s Tymoshenko to Fight Rival’s Election In Court [Article]

From the New York Times:

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko declared on Saturday that she had proof of cheating in a February 7 presidential election by rival Viktor Yanukovich and she would challenge his election through the courts.

“I want to clearly state: Yanukovich is not our president. Whatever happens in future, he will never become the legitimately elected president of Ukraine,” she said in a televised broadcast to the nation.

At the same time she promised not to call people out in mass protests as she did when she successfully challenged his election in 2004 in the Orange Revolution. “I will not call another ‘Maidan’ (Independence Square demonstration) and will not allow public protests,” she said.

[New York Times]

Yulia Tymoshenko appears in public for the first time since Sunday’s election [Article]

From the Globe & Mail:

Ukraine’s embattled Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko appeared in public for the first time in days Thursday but still resisted calls to concede defeat in the presidential election and resign her post.

Her refusal to admit defeat signals that Ms. Tymoshenko is digging in for a long power struggle with Mr. Yanukovych.

“It is already obvious today that nobody from Yanukovych’s team has any intention of raising social standards,” Ms. Tymoshenko told the government meeting. “Already, after the election, we are starting to discover huge pre-election deceptions and people should factor that into their future political calculations.”

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Watch the Olympics in Ukrainian (Ontario only)

If you live in Ontario, TV channel OMNI 1  will be airing some parts of the Olympics in the Ukrainian language:


February 13, 2010
20:00 – 21:00     Speed Skating – Men’s 5000m [Taped]
21:00 – 22:00     Long Track Speed Skating: Men’s 5000m [Taped]

February 20, 2010
20:00 – 21:00     Alpine Skiing – Ladies’ Super-G [Tape]     OMNI 1
21:00 – 22:00     Cross-Country Skiing: Men’s 15km Pursuit [Tape]     OMNI 1

February 27, 2010
20:00 – 22:00     Figure Skating – Exhibition Gala     OMNI 1 [UKR]

Stepan Bandera’s grandson defends Hero of Ukraine to clear his family name

BanderaOn January 22nd, one of President Yushchenko’s last decrees was to award the late Stepan Bandera with the award of ‘Hero of Ukraine’ for “defending national idea and for the fight for independent Ukrainian state”. A leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), it was one of the few groups that had to fight both the Nazis and the Soviets in World War 2 for an independent Ukraine. Yushchenko was Ukraine’s first and only President to advocate worldwide recognition of the genocide that was the Holodomor, open trade to the west and promote Ukrainian language and culture in its own country where Russian hegemony has been spreading for centuries.

Last Sunday (Feb 7), the Edmonton Journal produced an op-ed from David Marples – an Alberta historian and ‘Ukraine expert’ entitled “Hero of Ukraine linked to Jewish killings”. The article sparked outrage and the Journal received letters this week from the Ukrainian community including other members of the newspaper media:

In February 2008, Ukrainian Security Services (SBU) archive representative Oleksander Ishchuk showed declassified documents which provide an objective basis to state that OUN (the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists) is not connected with any violent actions against the civilian population of L’viv on or after July 4, 1941.

As well as Bandera’s own grandson had to write in to defend his family’s history:

The Soviet investigation into the killing of L’viv’s Jews identified the “42 butchers of L’viv” responsible for the slaughter of the Jewish innocents in July of 1941. That list, compiled immediately after the Second World War and submitted to the Nuremberg military tribunals for prosecution, does not contain a single member of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.

Furthermore, Marples neglects to mention that Stepan Bandera’s two brothers — Oleksa and Vasyl — were killed by the Nazis in Auschwitz. Their tattoo numbers were 51020 and 49271 respectively.

Our family cleared the Bandera name before the Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals in Canada in 1985.

Sadly while the Edmonton Journal printed these replies in their ‘Opinion’ section, it reproduced Marples’ original op-ed as news (with a less sensational title) yesterday as “Yushchenko erred in honouring Bandera”. It’s difficult to know how much the article has changed (if at all) since the original op-ed has now been deleted.

The Edmonton Journal’s biases has been shockingly apparent especially for a town with such a large Ukrainian population, it was the only outlet to produce this pessimistic news piece Tuesday: “Young Ukrainians Dismiss Talk Of Another Orange Revolution”

The new President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych has no plans of stripping Bandera the medal of honour.

The Canadian courts in the 1980’s looked into matters of war crimes for Ukrainian groups in World War 2 and could not find any evidence to make such a conviction:

The Commission of Inquiry on War Crimes was established in February 1985 in Canada, with the purpose of exposing and prosecuting war criminals residing in Canada. The Simon Wiesenthal Center and other Jewish groups in Canada have repeatedly denounced the Ukrainian Division Galicia as a perpetrator of war crimes. Because of these allegations, the veterans of the Division came under the scrutiny of this Commission, which during its investigation lasting several years, was not able to establish any base to the accusation.